1 Day Dry point etching workshop March 29
1 day dry point etching workshop at Lizzie's studio in the New England Contemporary Print Gallery at 153 Beardy Street, Armidale.
Friday March 29 (Good Friday), 2024 10am - 4pm
Dry point is a direct form of etching or engraving that requires no acid. We will experiment with mark making on perspex and metal plates, inking with French inks, then printing on an etching press using beautiful art papers.
$195 fee includes all materials.
Suitable for absolute beginners or experienced printmakers.It's a good idea to bring your sketch book with a few drawings that you might like to turn into prints - be prepared to be flexible and creative! If you haven't done any drawing before, it doesn't matter - there are plenty of resources for you to use.
Please bring your own lunch.
Adults only except by prior agreement with a parent or guardian also booked.
Group strictly limited to 8.